Saturday, October 19, 2013

Rosh Hashanah 5773

8-27-13 8:11am Tues. (1) 124-77
I wrote back with an article about the changing of the guard: “Energetic Chabad rabbi nourishes Jewish Taipei. Jewish life in Taipei is undergoing a transformation, as Jewish life often does when Chabad envoys become part of the fabric of a community…Taiwan actually had a rabbi before Tabib arrived on the scene. Rabbi Ephraim Einhorn, now 93, had been the spiritual leader of Taiwan’s Jewish community for some 30 years prior to a Chabad presence on the island. Although he was a beloved figure there were fears that a man of his age could not continue to lead prayer services and intercede with authorities for much longer. New, young blood was needed. Accordingly, some of the Taiwan Jews appealed to Avtzon and asked him to send a young couple. The Tabibs were a natural choice.” Einhorn was the rabbi that converted Libby (temporarily), married us in Jewish ceremony, and presided over Ariel’s bris. He also advised me to separate from Libby. Since I will be teaching in Taichung Sept. 4, Rosh Hashanah, I will not be going to a service. I will go on line to hear the shofar blown; there is no ceremony in Taichung that I’ve found yet.

I was told to ‘be patient’ after a relative receieved my second e-mail in four days asking for a response to my new year wishes. I reminded him that I had patiently been awaiting a response from him since last year when I wished him greetings. It was after that I deleted his name and another relative from my e-mail list. That left only Selma on my maternal side of the family. Two other relatives were deleted from my e-mail list a few years before that for ignoring my e-mail. I am in touch with many more Temple relatives than Allen and Zekowsky derivatives.

I got one new year greeting response out of seven or eight that I sent to Jewish friends and relatives; from Ms. Karagash from FDR.

      I just spent fifteen minutes in a virtual synagogue on YouTube, yarmulke on, and celebrated Rosh Hashanah in the study. I said silent prayers for all the people I love and those I must try to understand.

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