Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Saga of the Shipped Boxes

I just ordered a pick up of 10 12"x12"x12" boxes, 50 lbs each by ship to Taichung pick up in from 45-60 days of shipping. They'll come to my house July 9. The cost; $960.00. Much cheaper than sending it by air. It could arrive by the end of August. They will get in touch with me for more details. I paid with a credit card. I just saw 12"x12"x"12 boxes carry ten pounds of books. This is so convenient. I keep thinking it's too good to be true.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering about the $960 I paid on Visa for shipping ten boxes via sea; I don't have a receipt for the contract and the computer says it may be fraud. It seems like a real company but I have a booking form (HS 104008) from them but no e-mail receipt. I was told I would be contacted.

7-3-13 8:45am Wed. (*2)
I called up to 'confirm' our arrangement. The credit card payment they take the day before they send Fed Ex to com pick the boxes up. I have to be packed by July 8th, by my own choice.


Leona and I went through this elaborate system to print the shipping labels returned a signed receipt. It was elaborate because our printer is connected to the desk-top which has no internet and the laptop which has no printer. Leona copied the attachments from on a flash drive, uploaded it to the desk top, and printed it out. The attachment was sent, printed, signed, scanned, attached to a flash drive, downloaded in the laptop, and e-mailed back to the shipping agency.

7-10-13 6:16am Wed. (1)

At 3:30pm yesterday, FedEx came and picked up the ten 12"x12"x12" boxes to bring to the ship in New Jersey. It is supposed to arrive in Taichung 45-60 days later. I wonder which will get there first; the ten boxes or the sofa from Germany via China. Both are due by the end of August.

The Port of Taichung authority called yesterday for us to prepare customs documents for the ten boxes on the way here from Brooklyn. Right now they’re on a ship from L.A. somewhere on the Pacific Ocean. Leona said it would be $220us handling fee more.

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